We have all seen virtual reality in application with games. However, how does this play into helping sell your property? Read on or click the image below to see an example of an early draft of this render in virtual reality.
When virtual reality first started becoming more common, the reach this form of visualization would take was something we could not comprehend. We first saw it most noticeably being used in video games. Then it grew into other applications such as virtual job training or even applications as obscure as a form of incarceration rehabilitation. In the same way online shopping took the world by storm, virtual reality is quickly becoming a massive asset to many industries. For example, meander on over to your nearest realty website and it will not be long before you stumble onto one such example.
So why is this taking off so quickly? The same reason online shopping is a hit: you don’t have to take off your pajamas to get the full experience. The option to shop and compare goods from the comfort of home is simply one you can’t pass up. How does that apply to the design and realty industries? The added option of virtual reality in the context of architecture and design can now allow a potential client to experience the space before it is even built. Allowing a client to feel out the space before it is even built can be a huge asset to architects, engineers and interior designers. This can not only help sell a client on a vision, but allow them to experience it as well.
“Allowing a client to feel out the space before it is even built can be a huge asset to architects, engineers and interior designers.”
As a designer, I can often pick up the feel and vision of a design without needing to see the finer details. Simply by being given key words, a picture board or even a handful of sketches, I can envision a space. However, this skill is exactly why I have consistent work – because most cannot do that. That is why it is even more important that renders and visualizations be available. Having the option to virtually experience a product - in this case, a space - it is easier to sell said product. Taking it a step further, the option of seeing what a space could potentially look like with a clients design installed, would allow them to see the end result of purchasing and help close a deal faster. This can and will be a massive marketing tool of the not so soon future.